Online dance critiques.

Receive professional & actionable feedback on your solo, duo, trio or team choreography.


  • Due to me being a full-time human, I can't give an exact turn around time however, I will get your critique back ASAP.

  • I will critique all styles however, my strengths in judging are Hip Hop, Jazz, Contemporary and Lyrical. Other styles will be critiqued mainly on staging, performance & overall impressions

  • Absolutely, but you will need to purchase additional critiques.

  • Nope! I always ask before I post anything online.


You provided us with actionable feedback that has improved all 3 numbers and strengthened their routines. Our choreographer has made some adjustments to their routines based on these critiques and we have seen positive results in our scores as well...


with your help she was the most confident I've seen and she was able to reach her goal at nationals!!!!!!


she took your critiques, very seriously and the pay off was outstanding. Her contemporary solo placed 1st overall senior soloist and highest scoring soloist of the weekend out of more then 250 solos, and judges stand out soloist. Receiving a 96.75 Plus she got a special judges award for storyteller and risk taker and a scholarship. Also, Good morning Baltimore was the highest scoring Musical Theatre mark of the weekend with a 94. ..


My dancer took your advice and cranked up her performance all throughout her solo and it was fantastic. This past weekend, she ended up 1st overall out of 19 in her Jr Intermediate Soloist division AND won the competition wide Entertainment Award for 12 & under.


Tommie and her teacher listened to your critique. They adjusted her arms in her turn and used a couple of your other suggestions. She walked away from StarQuest with a Platinum Plus, 2nd overall, and StarQuest Title Winner for Don’t Stop Me Now! Thank you again for your input.


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Online Dance Video Critique
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Online Dance Video Critique
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